Weakness associated with Diarrhoea, Gas, Nausea, Symptoms of Loose stools, Acute Gastro-Entro-Colitis of all types, Dysentery and Intestinal Catarrh.
Indications Weakness associated with Diarrhoea, Gas, Nausea, Symptoms of Loose stools, Acute Gastro-Entro-Colitis of all types, Dysentery and Intestinal Catarrh.
Composition Each 5ml. contains: Chamomilla 1x 0.75 ml. Baptisia tinctoria 3x 0.75 ml. Veratrum album 3x 0.75 ml. Colocynthis 3x 0.75 ml. Mercurius corrosivus 3x 0.75 gm. Ferrum phosphoricum 3x 0.50 gm. Lycopodium clavatum 3x 0.50 ml. In Aqua Destillata.
Dosage Take 15 to 20 Drops in half a cup of water daily 3 times or as directed by the Physician.
Available in 30 ml.
Remedies Used: Indication Areas.
Chamomilla Stools like chopped white yellow mucous, like chopped eggs or spinach. Diarrhoea during dentition, from cold, anger, tobacco. Stools - sour, grass green or lienteric, smelling like bad eggs.
Baptisia tinctoria Diarrhoea during typhoid fever. Stools are very offensive, thin, dark and bloody. Rumbling in the abdomen.
Veratrum album Diarrhoea very painful, watery, copious and forcibly evacuated followed by great weakness.
Colocynthis Brown, watery stools after eating or drinking. Jelly like stools with musk like odour. Pain in the abdomen.
Mercurius corrosives Tenesmus of rectum, not by stool. Tenesmus is incessant, persistent. Stools - hot, scanty, bloody, slimy, offensive with shreds of mucus membrane. Terrible cutting, colicky pains. Chilly after stools. Spasms of rectum during coition. Soreness especially along transverse colon. Cramps in calves in Dysentery. Constant urging to stool and urine.
Ferrum phosphoricum Diarrhoea during eating. Painless Diarrhoea.
Lycopodium clavatum Diarrhoea with ineffectual urging. Diarrhoea with pain shooting across lower abdomen from right to left. Flatulence much noisy. Diarrhoea after fermentable food - Cabbage, beans and oysters.
Size | 100 ml |
Pack Size | 30 ml |