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Derma Plus is a specially formulated skin cream for the treatment of all types of Fungal Infections, Ring Worms, Eczema, Psoriasis, Neuro-Dermatitis, Intertrigo and Urticaria.


Benefits Derma Plus is a specially formulated skin cream for the treatment of all types of Fungal Infections, Ring Worms, Eczema, Psoriasis, Neuro-Dermatitis, Intertrigo and Urticaria.

Composition Each 5 gms. contains: Chrysarobinum 1x 0.050gm. Apis Mellifica Q 0.050ml. Berberis Aquifolium Q 0.075ml. Echinacea Angastifolia Q 0.075ml. Graphites 3x 0.050gm. Hydrocotyle Asiatica Q 0.050ml. Sulphur 3x 0.050gm. Urtica Urens Q 0.100ml. In Cream Base.

Directions for uses Wash and Clean the affected area. Gently apply the cream and allow it to dry. Do not apply on healthy skin. Use 2 to 3 times a day.

Available in 25 gms

Remedies Used: Indication Areas

Chrysarobinum Vesicular or squamous skin lesions, associated with foul smelling discharge and crust formation, tending to become confluent and to give the appearance of a single crust covering the entire area.

Apis mellifica Skin - Boils. Suppressed exanthemata. Herpes zoster. Eczema, urticaria, carbuncles with burning, stinging pains. Urticaria with burning pains. Eczema with marked swelling.

Berberis aquifolium Waxy, yellowish white skin, blotches and pimples on face. It clears the complexion. Skin pimply, dry, rough, scaly. Eruptions on scalp, extending to face and neck.

Echinacea angustifolia It acts as a good external application in many skin affections such as eczema, boils etc.

Graphites Affects the folds skin, at flexures, muco-cutaneous junctions, behind the ears. Fissures, where skin and mucus membrane joins. Thickening and induration of skin. Thick Crusts and scales, oozing honey like, thick, yellow, sticky fluid, sometimes offensive.

Hydrocotyle asiatica Great thickening of the epidermoid layer and exfoliation of scales.

Sulphur Any type of eruption: moist, burning and itching. Skin dry, scaly, unhealthy, every little injury suppurates.

Urtica urens Urticaria and itching disappears while lying down and reappears immediately after rising.

More Information
Size 100 ml
Pack Size 30 ml
Protency 3P
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