5 Homeopathic remedies for weight loss

There can be innumerable causes for weight gain and various causes for not being able to lose weight, even after following a strict exercise and dietary regimen.Though the best mode for losing weight is through lifestyle changes but in some cases where the cause cannot be addressed with only these changes medications may be necessary.
Here is where homeopathy comes into use. Homeopathy helps in addressing the cause of weight gain or inability to lose weight and thus induce weight loss. Since homeopathy follows an individualistic approach, it is important for a patient to consult a homeopathic doctor and seek treatment, who can then take a complete case and help the patient in resolving the factor that is blocking or preventing weight loss.
Below are mentioned a few remedies that may help in weight loss but treatment in homeopathy is individual specific and not weight specific, therefore these remedies do not suit all.
These remedies are suited for different patients depending upon the symptoms and causes of obesity. Therefore a careful selection of the right remedy for each and every patient is needed.
- Calcarea Carb:- When obesity starts early in life, Calcarea Carb is one of the best homeopathic medicines for obesity. It is a great homeopathic remedy for children who grow fat and are pot bellied. Even the head is large. There is excessive sweating on the head. This sweating is more pronounced while sleeping. The pillow gets wet when the child sleeps. The child is usually anemic even when he seems to be quite obese. There is a desire for eating some indigestible things like chalk, earth, lime and paper. The child is fond of eggs, salt and sweet things. The child is quite sensitive to cold and cannot tolerate cold air or low temperatures. The head remains icy cold. The digestive system is sluggish and the child is often constipated.
- Antim Crudum:- When the excess fat is centered on the upper body with the legs being thin and weak, Antim Crudum is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for weight loss. It is also a good medicine for obesity in young people. Such patients are quite fond of eating. In fact, this medicine is very well suited for people who are known gluttons. For instance they like acidic things like pickles. The tongue has a thick white coating. There is a lot of irritability and the person cannot afford to be contradicted. In the case of children, the child is so irritable that he/she does not even like to be looked at. Such people cannot tolerate heat as well as bathing in cold water.
- Graphites:- When a lady tends to gain weight around menopause, Graphites is one of the best homeopathic medicines for obesity. Even during the young age, the females have delayed menses. The patient may have a lot of skin eruptions. The defining feature of this homeopathic remedy is that the skin eruptions ooze thick sticky discharge. The patient usually has 12/35 constipation. There is an increased sensitivity to cold.
- Ferrum Met :- When the patient has anemia despite being fat, Ferrum Met is one of the best homeopathic medicines for obesity. The skin is pale and so are the mucous membranes. There may be flushing of the face despite being anemic. The hands and feet remain cold. The muscles are flabby and relaxed. The patient is so weak that walking or talking can be difficult. There may be palpitation of the heart that is worse by any and every movement.
- Capsicum :- When one is mentally and physically sluggish and indolent, Capsicum is one of the best homeopathic medicines for obesity. The patient does not like any physical exertion and does not feel like doing anything that is not his or her routine. The patient is usually chilly and feels a lack of warmth at all times. It is also a good medicine for alcoholics and there is a lot of craving for alcohol and other stimulants. The digestion is slow and sluggish.