Trigeminal Neuralgia : Might be a much more common incidence in women post 50 than one might think !

Trigeminal neuralgia well known as the “suicide disease” because the pain can be so unbearable and so resistant to treatment that it can drive sufferers to suicide. In one small study, homeopathic treatment brought 60% relief of the pain after four months.
Two of the most common medicines for trigeminal neuralgia can be distinguished simply by which side of the face is in pain: Sanguinaria is used for right-sided trigeminal neuralgia, and Spigelia for left-sided neuralgia. The dosage is 200c (a high potency) every 15 minutes until relief, then wait until relapse before redosing.
But What is Trigeminal neuralgia ?
Trigeminal neuralgia is a term denoting
chronic pain in the trigeminal nerve. This means that the person suffering from trigeminal neuralgia will have pain in the facial region.
This pain is often episodic in nature. There may be severe pain anywhere in the facial region for a few seconds. The pain subsides only to return some minutes or hours later.
Tic Douloureux is another name for Trigeminal Neuralgia. This is because the intense pain causes the patient to contort his face into a grimace.
Types of Trigeminal Neuralgia
There are primarily two types of trigeminal neuralgia. These are the typical trigeminal neuralgia and atypical trigeminal neuralgia. We also know them as TN1 and TN2 . In the typical form, there is shock like pain or burning pain. This pain keeps on recurring every few minutes or hours. Each episode may last for a couple of seconds or minutes. One such episode may last for a couple of hours. In the atypical form, there is mild aching or stabbing pain or burning sensation in the facial region. The pain or discomfort is constant. It is not uncommon for both forms to occur in the same person.
What is Trigeminal Nerve?
Trigeminal nerve is one of the twelve cranial nerves. Most of the functions of the body are controlled by the brain through nerves passing through the spinal cord. There are twelve cranial nerves that do not pass through the spinal cord. These nerves directly connect to the head and neck. They control the sensory and muscle functions of the head and neck.
Trigeminal nerve is one of these twelve nerves. It has 3 branches. That is precisely why we call it the trigeminal nerve. The ophthalmic branch controls the eye, upper eyelid and forehead. Maxillary branch of Trigeminal Nerve controls the lower eyelid, cheek, side of the nose, upper lip and gums. The mandibular branch controls the jaw, lower lip, lower gums and the muscles used for chewing.
What are the causes of Trigeminal Neuralgia?
In most cases it is idiopathic in origin. This means that there is no certain cause. It is a case of the nerve being overactive or getting irritated for no rhyme or reason. It just starts sending pain signals to the brain without any cause. In some cases, one or the other thing presses upon or irritates the trigeminal nerve. A tumor, an aneurysm or a blood vessel might press upon the nerve. Trauma or some injury to the nerve or the brain can also be the cause. In some cases, the myelin sheath which is the outer covering of the nerve gets irritated or inflamed. This can happen in diseases like Multiple Sclerosis, Sarcoidosis, Lyme disease or SLE.
Incidence of Trigeminal Neuralgia
It is more common in people above the age of 50. Among men and women, women are more likely to suffer from this problem. It may also run in families. This is probably due to the way blood vessels are formed in the brain. It may also be linked to hypertension.
What triggers the pain of Trigeminal Neuralgia
Medical science has been able to identify certain factors that tend to trigger the pain. The common triggers are-
- Shaving
- Chewing
- Drinking
- Brushing one’s teeth
- Washing or touching one's face
- Going out in wind
- Applying makeup
Symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia
There is pain in the jaw, lips, eye, cheek, teeth, gums, lips or even in the forehead region.
Pain is usually on one side of the face.
Seemingly innocuous activities like brushing one's teeth or shaving or washing one's face trigger the pain.
There may be severe episodic pain that is more like an electric shock. In some cases, it may be stabbing or shooting in nature.
The pain may last for some seconds or minutes. One feels better after that time interval but the pain returns after some time.
Such episodes may last for weeks or months without resolution.
Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia
In some cases, when there is a tumor or a physical cause, a surgery may be helpful but as mentioned earlier, most cases of Trigeminal Neuralgia are idiopathic in nature.
The conventional or allopathic system of medicine depends upon painkillers to relieve the patient. Often anticonvulsants are given to relieve pain. In some cases doctors add muscle relaxants too. When these do not suffice to provide relief, they also give some anti depressants. All the above mentioned medications do not even mean to cure the disease. They just give momentary relief from pain. Therefore, patients get fed up with taking painkillers. They look for permanent solutions to their problems and not just momentary relief.
The Homeopathic treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia
Homeopathy is much more suited for the permanent treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. In idiopathic cases, it tends to slowly set the trigeminal nerve back in order. It stops the irritation of the nerve over a period of time. This means that it starts getting back to its normal functioning. Of course, it does not happen overnight. One has to be patient. The treatment may take a few months but the rewards of this patience are overwhelmingly good. One can get back to his normal self and lead a life completely free of any medication.
5 best homeopathic medicines for trigeminal neuralgia
The 5 medicines mentioned below are often used in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. These medicines are in no way the only medicines used. One has to often go beyond this small list depending upon the symptoms of the patient. It is best to leave the choice of the right medicine to an experienced homeopathic doctor.
Ars Alb- One of the best homeopathic medicines for trigeminal neuralgia with burning pains
China- One of the best homeopathic medicines for trigeminal neuralgia with intolerance to touch
Mag Phos- One of the best medicines for trigeminal neuralgia with relief from warmth
Arnica- The best homeopathic medicine for trigeminal neuralgia due to injury
Belladonna- The best homeopathic medicine for trigeminal neuralgia with sudden pulsating pains