Combat Thyroid-Induced Hair Loss

Thyroid dysfunction is one of the leading causes of hair loss in women. Given, there are many remedies to treat hair fall, some of which are extremely efficient, the best way to tackle the issue is to treat the underlying condition that is causing it. Severe and prolonged hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can cause loss of hair.
The loss is diffuse and involves the entire scalp rather than discrete areas.The hair appears uniformly sparse. Regrowth is usual with successful treatment of the thyroid disorder, though it will take several months and may be incomplete. It is unusual for mild (e.g. subclinical) hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, or short-lived thyroid problems to cause hair loss. Some forms of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism come on abruptly and are diagnosed early, while others may have been present for months or years before diagnosis. Hair loss due to thyroid disease becomes apparent several months after the onset of thyroid disease. This is due to the long hair cycle. In such cases, paradoxically the hair loss may follow the treatment for the thyroid and the thyroid medication may be erroneously blamed, leading to withdrawal of treatment, which in turn may worsen the hair loss.
Hair loss and anti-thyroid treatment
Anti - thyroid drugs (carbimazole and propylthiouracil) can, in rare cases, cause diffuse hair loss. It may be very difficult to tell whether the hair loss is due to the effects of the previous overactivity of the thyroid or the anti-thyroid drugs. In all probability the antithyroid drugs are not the cause and it is unusual to have to seek alternative treatment for hyperthyroidism. Radioiodine does not cause hair loss.
Hair loss associated with autoimmune thyroid disease
Most people with hypo- or hyper-thyroidism have autoimmune thyroid disease. If a person has one autoimmune disease he/she is more likely than others to develop some other autoimmune condition.
Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition that causes hair loss that occurs in people with autoimmune thyroid disease more often than expected by chance. Unlike the types of diffuse hair loss described above, alopecia areata causes discrete, often circular, areas of hair loss. In most cases this is transient and does not progress, but unfortunately it can cause significant baldness. There are other rare autoimmune conditions that can cause hair loss through scarring (e.g. lupus erythematosus), which are associated with autoimmune
thyroid diseases. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is also associated with autoimmune thyroid disease and may manifest as diffuse hair loss; other features are irregular periods, obesity and acne.
Managing Hair Loss due to Thyroid Disorders with Homoeopathy
As mentioned earlier, hair loss can occur as much due to thyroid disorders as the allopathic medicines prescribed for treating thyroid disorders. Therefore, treatment for the cause of the disease is the cause of thyroid related hair loss. In such cases, managing such a problem needs a holistic treatment such as homeopathy, which not only helps in the proper functioning of the thyroid gland but also arrests the hair loss due to the malfunction of thyroid. It is important to consult a homeopathic physician for the treatment of this condition. Medicines aim at regulation of the thyroid gland so that it doesn't cause hair loss in a patient. In treating thyroid related hair loss, a homeopath needs to consider the cause and treat the hair loss accordingly. It might at times need more than one remedy to such a condition.
Following are a few remedies that are useful in treating hair loss along with managing thyroid hormone levels in the body.
1.Acid phosphoricum- Hair loss from scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, etc. alopecia due to ailment of grief or mental shock (These traumatic events can affect the functioning of the thyroid gland).
2.Wiesbaden-It helps to grow hair rapidly and helps to convert gray hair into darker shade. New hair growth replaces fallen hairs very fast. This remedy rarely fails in promoting hair growth.
3.Thallium-Falling of hair after an acute exhausting disease. With profuse perspiration on head. Loss of hair an after effect of an atom bomb explosion. This medicine is capable of growing hairs more rapidly and darker.
4.Thuja occ-Patient complains of diffuse hair loss along with dandruff on the scalp. Dandruff is generally thick and white in color, with intolerable itching on the scalp.
5.Ferrum phosphoricum- Patient complains of great weakness and prostration both mentally and physically due to low hemoglobin level in blood. Patient is anemic with excessive hair loss from the scalp.
6.Calcarea carbonica- It is homeopathic medicine for Diffuse hair loss in patients who are fat, fair and flabby- constitutionally. Patients complain of hair loss in well defined patches. It is a very good remedy for thyroid dysfunction as well.
7.Phosphorus- Works well in hyperthyroid cases.
8.Thyroidinum is a frequently used medicine to manage the symptoms of Thyroid. It has long been used in homeopathy to treat the disorder. It generally covers most of the symptoms such as general and muscular weakness, fatigue, mood changes, obesity, digestive problems. It is found beneficial in a migraine in which there is an insufficiency of the thyroid gland.
9.Bromium 6 - A remedy used for treating hypothyroidism
- lodum 200 - A remedy used for treating hyperthyroidism. Remember that iodine deficiency is a common cause of thyroid disorders and hair loss.