"A boon to Prevention " - Allen's Range of Nutraceuticals !

Nutraceutical is a comprehensive term which includes substances that are considered as foods, parts of foods or dietary supplements that may claim to provide medical or health benefits – this includes the treatment of or prevention of disease. In addition to vitamins, they contain naturally occurring ingredients such as garlic, ginseng and other herbal products such as phytochemicals extracted from plants. Soluble and insoluble fibers are also included.
It is seen as a more natural way to accomplish therapeutic results with minimal side effects, and this view has propelled its discovery and production. In recent times the market for nutraceuticals has steadily been growing and the trend is expected to continue as persuasive marketing campaigns are launched.
Important Assets of the Product :
Nutraceutical interventions can be investigated using gold standard, double-blind, placebo-controlled research methodology, allowing researchers to provide high-quality evidence for their potential safety and efficacy. Although more challenging to conduct from a methodological standpoint, due to the strong evidence from observational studies demonstrating an association between diet quality and mental illness, RCTs that deliver whole-of-diet interventions have recently been conducted to further explore the use of dietary interventions to assist in the management and treatment of mental illness.
The self-medication trend is important to nutraceutical products. The consumer's attitude toward healthcare is changing and more people are taking responsibility for their own health rather than passively accepting medical decisions. This desire to exercise individual decision means many consumers are looking outside the traditional dependencies on pharmaceuticals, to herbal remedies and supplements. This self-medication trend will continue to boost the nutraceutical food category. The opportunities will range from hangover remedies and energy boosters to products that ward-off future ailments.
A necessity to cope with today's Sedentary lifestyle
In recent years, a large number of studies have focused on an enormous quantity of such compounds, evaluating them for toxicological safety and potential benefits in conditions as diverse as neurodegenerative disorders, obesity and diabetes, cancer, and improvement of transplant success. Mitochondria are a benchmark model for toxicity evaluation, and the effects of nutraceuticals on mitochondrial activity are a quick and efficient protocol for toxicity and effects evaluation.
They may be used to prevent the onset of many life-threatening diseases like diabetes, cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, etc. Nutraceuticals range from dietary supplements (proteins, vitamins, and minerals), pure compounds to components derived from natural sources. Inflammation is the biological response to a harmful stimulus. While being helpful to remove the foreign object, inflammation also damages the body's own cells. Inflammation is believed to be the cause for many chronic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, atherosclerosis, obesity, and cancer. In this chapter we have elaborated the purified extracts and isolated phytoconstituents from plants as a source of nutraceutical used specifically for the prevention/treatment of inflammation.
The nutraceutical market offers the potential for growth, but the issues of consumer education and legislation surrounding claims are still a challenge. Trust in a specific brand is important thus ,confide in Allen Homeopathy with us being one of the pioneers in medicine facilitation and leading Homeopathic company in India with 40+ years of faith and experience withheld by our customers.