No more bearing with health concerns during Festivals

Festivities come with a price on the health, with many common problems cropping up due to excessive eating, excessive drinking or the excessive pollution caused due to fireworks.
Homoeopathy has home remedies which act as a quick fix for all these problems so you can continue to enjoy the festivities with great fervor and gusto. Festivities need to enshrine the spirit of fun, giving, sharing, and joy. Overindulgence in food is indeed not the essence of Indian festivals but is certainly the way to develop numerous diseases.
Homeopathy for Gastritis and constipation
One of the common health issues that most people complain of, following any festival, is gastritis. This is because of the consumption of very spicy or very greasy foods. The high quantities of oil, sugar, and refined flour that goes into making the "special" dishes and sweets during the festivities lead to acid reflux, heartburn, and even constipation.
□ Advisory in coping with the aforementioned problems
Lycopodium clavatum :- This remedy is well-suited to people with IBS & food intolerances, especially onions, oysters, cabbage and beans. The pains are worse in the evening, typically from 4-8pm and are relieved by passing wind. The inflamed digestive tract struggles to get enough nutrition from food, so there can be loss of weight with fullness and bloating in the abdomen. The appetite is very changeable and can go from being ravenous to very full after a few mouthfuls.
Colocynthis :- This remedy has terrible stomach cramps that are better for doubling up and may be worse from anger or indignation. The pains are short, sharp & pinching and aggravated after eating, especially fruit. Heat & pressure give some relief to the pains which can extend to the lower back or into the buttocks. It is also a very useful remedy for sciatica and neuralgic pain in general.
Nux Vomica :- This remedy suits people who burn the candle at both ends, working hard and playing harder. Eventually, this stressful lifestyle takes its toll and the digestive system suffers. There are severe stomach cramps and acid reflux that are aggravated by mental exertion. Hiccough, belching, fullness and indigestion are worse after coffee, spicy foods and smoking. There can also be a lot of nausea and feelings of being sea-sick. The remedy is also very useful to treat a hangover.
Arsenicum album:- Stomach cramps that are worse after catching a cold. This remedy suits people who always feel chilly, so much so that even eating cold food such as ice cream aggravates. There is a great deal of diarrhea that can come on after drinking whilst moving around makes everything worse. Taking regular sips of a warm drink and lying down to rest bring relief.
Bryonia alba:- A useful remedy in IBS that is aggravated after eating bread and where the thirst is increased. The stomach may feel so heavy that it is like a stone is sitting there. Belching relieves the pain and tastes of undigested food. Tight clothing and walking about also worsen the condition.
Carbo veg:- The remedy is well-suited to older people or those suffering from general fatigue with stomach pains that are burning, sore or pressing. There are cramps which feel like the stomach is being contracted with a lot of bloating after eating. Butter, fats & rich foods can cause belching, heartburn and indigestion with weakness or faintness.
China officinalis :- Stomach acidity with a great deal of bloating & bitter or sour belching. The appetite swings from being ravenous to being completely off food, with a feeling of fullness after eating a small amount. Fruit and milk aggravate and the pains are pressing or sore. Digestion in general is very slow.